Art in schools

The Arts Council Collection : Art in schools

Take Two Pilot Schools Programme 2022-2024

Over two years, we've collaborated with 15 schools to bring world-renowned artworks from the Collection directly into classrooms across the country. The programme has reached over 9,000 students, staff, visitors and parents.

We aim to inspire students to be artists and discover a wide range of roles in the arts for future careers, developing the future of British art to include a diverse workforce. We also aim to engage teachers and students with a breadth of artists and artworks within the Collection as an essential learning resource.

By putting artworks into the school landscape, the Take Two programme acts as an exchange of experiences and knowledge, empowering schools to take responsibility for caring for the artworks and to learn and experience these works up close in an accessible environment.

Learn more about the programme

Our 15 Participating schools are:

1. Meltham C of E Primary School (West Yorkshire)

2. Pentland Infant and Primary School (West Yorkshire)

3. Feversham Primary School (West Yorkshire)

4. Dixons Kings Academy (Bradford)

5. Sidney Stringer Academy (Coventry)

6. Ernesford Grange Academy (Coventry)

7. Meadow Park School (Coventry)

8. Earlsdon Primary (Coventry)

9. Corley Academy (Coventry)

10. Blue Coat Church of England School (Coventry)

11. Lyng Hall (Coventry)

12. Heron Academy (South London)

13. Lilian Baylis Technology School (South London)

14. Saint Gabriel’s College (South London)

15. Paxton Primary School (South London)

The schools were offered 5-6 artworks from the Collection to choose from, and each developed their unique and democratic selection process. When selecting the artworks, the schools considered how the works linked to existing curriculum projects and how the artwork best reflects the school's culture.

By selecting two pieces, each school takes an active role in the selection process, which has proven to be hugely impactful. The journey of exploring the relationship between two artworks also offers a powerful exchange of ideas, responses and dialogue, allowing students the opportunity to investigate similarities and differences in themes, scale, surface, texture and medium.

Once the artworks were chosen, the Collection’s technical team visited the schools and identified suitable spaces so the art works would be safe and best placed to be seen by staff, students and parents alike.


To register your interest in the next iteration of Take Two, contact us


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The Arts Council Collection : Art in schools

Read about the project

The Learning Curator at Arts Council Collection has collaborated with NSEAD (National Society for Education Art and Design) to write an article about the Take Two Project for AD Magazine (NSEAD's membership magazine) Issue 38: ‘Bringing National Art into Schools’. 

The magazine supports NSEAD's professional learning community, including teachers and artist educators and includes crucial information on art, craft and design, including case studies, inspiration, ideas and resources. The featured article draws on the theme of Transition and Exchange, illustrating how Take Two offers dynamic learning opportunities whilst supporting and encouraging the exchange of ideas, developing language and a range of creative responses across the curriculum.

If you're a member of NSEAD, you can read the article here.

Featured works

Tarik Chawdry

Asian Playgroup (Birmingham Alum Rock)
Balraj Khanna

Splash, 1970
Mary Webb

Spring Colour Study No.19, 1995
Grace Schwindt

Resting, 2018
Elinor Bellingham Smith

The Fenn, Boxford, 1961
Patrick George

Seated Girl, 1964
Patrick Caulfield

The Hermit, 1967
Patrick Hughes

Leaning on a Landscape, 1978
Duncan Shanks

Flowers All-Over, 1976
Balraj Khanna

Apple Green, 1991
Jeffrey Dennis

Strange Fruit, 1985
Michael Armitage

Dream and Refuge, 2020
Michael Armitage

The Long Walk Home (Xala), 2020
Michael Armitage

Ol Ngoroi Rock, 2020
Patrick Caulfield

Ruins, 1964
Trevor Sutton

A.B.B., 1976
Adrian Berg

Gloucester Lodge, Late June 1974
Herbert Distel

A Somewhat Peculiar Breakfast Egg, 1969
Aleksandra Mir

ISS 0007, 2016
Sam Smith

After the Intermission (a foot juggler in a spot), 1980
Alfred Reginald Thomson

Round the Island Races, 1966
Patrick Caulfield

Elle fuyait par l'avenue. (She fled along the avenue) Poemes et Planches - Jules Laforgue French Edition B, 1973
Ian Stephenson

Shhh, 1960
Damien Hirst

Untitled (from London Portfolio), 1992
Eduardo Paolozzi

From Moonstrips Empire News (no title), 1967



The Arts Council Collection is the UK's most widely seen collection of modern and contemporary art.

With more than 8,000 works by over 2,000 artists, it can be seen in exhibitions and public displays across the country and beyond. This website offers unprecedented access to the Collection, and information about each work can be found on this site.